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Feast of St Marcellin Champagnat 2018 Celebrations in Melbourne

On the Feast Day of St Marcellin Champagnat fifty Marists gathered as a spiritual family to celebrate Mass in the Champagnat Chapel of Marcellin College Bulleen.  Our wonderful celebrant Father Kevin Hennessy CP helped to make this a truly joyous occasion. Our sincere thanks go to him.
Our thanks also to our wonderful musicians Fiona Dyball, Br Michael Herry and Daniel Nguyen for providing the exquisite music and singing. This added such depth to the beauty of the Mass. Special thanks to Br Michael who leaves for Cambodia next week – he has always been so generous with his time and gifts to all of us. Br. Michael, know that you will be truly missed.
Joe McCarthy then reflected on what it means to ’Be Marist’. He spoke about how each of us have been profoundly affected by Marist community, Marist spirituality and Marist mission. His reflection was followed by the Moment of Renewal. Br John McMahon, though a simple ritual, led us in renewing our commitment to the joys and challenges of being Marists of the Marist Association of St Marcellin Champagnat.
We moved from the Chapel to the Atrium for our Gathering. Our hosts for the evening were the Templestowe Brothers’ Community. They provided a magnificent supper for us to celebrate our Feast Day and we thank them sincerely for their great generosity and hospitality.
Gail Coates
Local Coordinator